1. The day and time of your pre-production meeting
February 16 2021
2. A list of each group member (including yourself) and their roles and responsibilities (see examples below)
Host: Zebang
Script Coordinator: Jenny
Podcast Director: Tianai
Podcast Editor: Tianai
Microsite Editor: Cicily
Researchers: Cassious
Segment 1:
Zebang, Cicily
Segment 2:
Cassious, Jenny
Segment 3: Relationships
Tianai, Cassious
3. Summary of what your group talked about for each of the three areas above (roles/responsibilities, technical aspects, content/structure)
Our podcast divided into 3 segments, First one is the female roles in Disney Fairy Tales vs Marvel, Zebang and Cicily will give us the example of Marvel hero, and disney princesses. The Second one is mainly about the Body Image, How has Disney’s portrayal of body image affected the audience of these films. The last part is the interpretation of Cinderella in 1950 and 2015 hold by Tianai.
4. A to-do list of things you need to do to get ready for recording
1. Wednesday 12am: Finish your portion of the script
2. Jenny: organize the scripts
3. Zebang: write connections
4. Meet again: finalize the entire script word by word
5. Friday 12am: finish recording your part
6. Tianai: edit the podcast
7. Saturday 12am: Send microsite elements to Cicily
8. Cicily: make the microsite
9. Tianai: send the final podcast to Cicily
5. Identify the day and time for when your group will be recording the podcast (if all together on Zoom) or the deadline for sending individual files to the podcast editor.
1. Wednesday 12am PST
Copy\Paste your script to this document
5. Friday 12am
Send any recording, videos, pictures etc. you want to in the podcast to tianaig@uci.edu
If you make any changes to the script when recording, please update it on this shared doc.
7. Saturday 12am PST
Send to Cicily: yuecenl@uci.edu
Short summary of the podcast, send by Script Coordinator: Jenny
List of all the podcasters (members of the group) and a short bio (2-3 sentences) for each. Every group member should write his/her own bio.
Materials that accompany what you are talking about in the podcast: Images, charts, graphs, memes, still-shots from films, quotations, videos, etc.
A list of sources; these should be more than just a list of links (make it clear what each source is; each group member should contribute their sources here)
Embedded video or audio file of your Podcast recording. Tianai