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Writing Showcase


This page is an analysis of the specific process for creating an analysis essay. Our course question is "how do Disney films contribute to the construction of society's values and norms about gender roles?". It's include a reflection of my progress toward the course objectives.

Writing Showcase: About

Planning and Exploratory Writing


This is my Course Objectives: 

  1. "Develop habits for engaged reading"

  2. "Develop effective habits for your own writing process" This assignment is about reading and annotating an essay that discusses StarWar's influence on our socially constructed gender roles and the value of beauty. It's a very high level of connection to our course. I annotated the article according to his steps. I found that my reading skills improved significantly, and I learned how to annotate more effectively.


Exploratory Writing

This is my Course Objectives:

"Apply these reading skills to various kinds of texts"

This assignment is about annotating the film Beauty and the Beast. This is a description of the beast, it expresses what is really "beautiful", and it is related to the objectives of the course. This is the first film that I annotated. I learned how to annotate a movie effectively.

Writing Showcase: Inventory

Peer Review

Best Advice I Gave

I think this is the best advice I gave because I got the response from the receiver. It seems I gave a correct and meaningful advice. This helps me to develop the course objective of that"improve your peer review skills through practice."


Best Advice I Received

Best Advice I Received
I believe this is the best pear review I received since it's direct and effective. She gave me 3 point on the definition of the social construction. Then I was revise my paragraph. It helps me to "understand the importance of peer review to your own reading and writing," which is a course objective.

Writing Showcase: Inventory



This process help me develop the "understand the importance of self review."
This one is about revising some vague or unnecessary words, phrases, or sentences I used in my essay. I was revise FIVE places in my essay where I used a vague or general word or phrase. This makes article more formal and accurate.



This assignment helps me to "understand the importance of self review." 
In this assignment, I mainly discuss the strategies I used to revise my article before and find the most effective one. It is very important because my develop my writing skills. Making my article become more logical and influence.

Writing Showcase: Inventory


Revision 1

After receive peer review and doing the self-review assignment on the Connect. I add more information about the "social construction", this will make the audience get the course question more specifically, and emphasize the course question in my introduction.

Writing Showcase: 圖片

Revision 2

I revised the language because I want it to be more effective. I replace the under line words" more and more" into the highlight words" an increasing number". This will makes my article become more effective and formal.

Writing Showcase: 圖片

Final essay 

Writing Showcase: 文字
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