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作家相片Cicily Liu

Exploring the course objectives

In this two week, I have been finished some writing projects. There are grammatical quiz, expressive writing, and article annotation. The most helpful event is that "take into the audiences' shoes". When you are a writer, it is not enough to provide some comprehensive evidence, thoughtful ideas, and celebrities anecdotes. It is not easy for the reader to appreciate deeply the author's intention. Writing is like dealing with people. The foundation of a good relationship is mutual understanding. In this week's discussion, I added the part of "my own feelings, stories" as required by the teacher when writing my impressions. I realized that the content of my article become more clearly than before. When I read other students' articles, I deeply realized that when other students add their own experiences, the whole article becomes interesting and vivid.

Writer is not a cold, hard typing machine. Words in the article is a connection of writer and reader, it emotional and thoughtful. The reason why I decided to use this skill in my future writing is that I have come to realize the importance of establishing empathy. After this week, I restate my definition of the good article. When you are stating your ideas, adding some personal experience is important.

Thinking of the reader. Consider who you're writing for, and don't start with your own assumptions or personal interests. However, The article is written for the reader. If the author's thoughts are clear, is the reader's thoughts clear as well? To make the reader's thoughts as clear as the author's, it is necessary to think from the reader's point of view. This is an important but often overlooked point.

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Pre-Production Blog

1. The day and time of your pre-production meeting February 16 2021 2. A list of each group member (including yourself) and their roles...

1 comentário

28 de jan. de 2021

Hi, Cicily. Making connection also helps me writing because this not only makes the writing process interesting, readers can also understand the points you make better.

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